Sunday, May 31, 2009

I want to comment

On seemingly innocent ad campaign has a hidden agenda. It is funded by the U.S. Army (well sort of, we seem to be the ones who put money in the pockets of these thugs). The stated goal is to get more kids in school. The hidden agenda is to "boostup" recruits. The government knows high school campuses are where the pickin's are plenty. According to my experience in high school, public, the kids are getting less and less intelligent each year. I went to Duncanville High, and lets just say the majority of students weren't so bright. This is, in my humble opinion, due to the dullness, and the standardness of public schools. Everybody recieves the same course work. You aren't allowed to focus on a few things, instead you must overload your mind with topics you have zero interest in. George Carlin said something along the lines of; if a kid wants to read he will learn. He went on to say kids should be taught how to think. Clearly that is the goal of high schools, at least public high schools, to remove any ability to think, question, or challenge. We are taught what to think rather than to simply think for ourselves.

So the military wants more kids in these recruitment centers. These "schools" that get you so dumb that you seem to have no other choice but join the armed forces. That is what is all about.

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