Thursday, May 28, 2009

Where has all the money gone?

If you talk to the average person out there, and ask them where their money goes when it's taken out of their weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly check they say things like "Schools" "Roads" "The poor". Is this a reality?

People argue constantly that we need the income tax, we need the social security tax. Noam Chomsky is one of these people. Just how bad do we need these taxes? Where does the money go? The government gives rewards to those who "out" Income Tax Fraud. Why is it so important this money is collected?

So the roads must be built. It is safe to say that the roads would be built, maintained etc without the income tax. In an article arguing that bicyclists pay more than there fair share of the cost of roads, which is beside the point, the taxes that pay for the roads come from general taxes, such as gas taxes, vehicle registration, etc.

As far as schools, Ad Valorem taxes take care of that.

Medicaid And Medicare Taxes, come from your pay check. You have the income tax, the social security tax, and you also have the medicare tax. The Social Security and the Medicare tax make up the FICA TAX.

In an article Titled "What Are Payroll Taxes?" Medicare is said to be taken out independently from the income tax.

"You are required to withhold state and federal income taxes as well as social security and Medicare taxes from your employees' wages. You are also required to pay a matching amount of social security and Medicare taxes for your employees and to pay State and Federal unemployment tax. "

Then we have medicaid. First off, it is important to note that the majority of the poorest Americans aren't covered by the giant hoax called medicaid. The qualification in Texas is to make $300 a month or less. $3,600 a year is supposed to be enough, in the state of Texas, for a family to survive on. Now I don't advocate socialized medicine, but if you goal is to insure the poor, shouldn't you act out on it? If you are stealing from people in the name of insuring the poor, don't just say that is what your goal is, do it! I would think that charities act out on their
stated altruistic goals. Second, medicaid is also funded independent from the income tax.

Social Security, the biggest fraud of them all, is also funded independently of the income tax. It is its own income tax. The "social security fund" was created to insure elderly Americans, and certain disabled Americans can live while unemployed. This fund is however used as a collection, to pay off the national debt, that the US government owes to foreign nations. This money is transferred to the FED and used to poke at the national debt. It is now bankrupt, and soon enough Americans will be made aware of this. This is not conspiracy talk, this is basic truth. We are owned by foreigners. Social security numbers where given to all citizens of the U.S. for a few reasons. One being that now with our new SSN we can have our money directly removed from our paychecks, our income tracked.

So what des the income tax pay for?

It really goes to paying off other countries that own us. All income taxes are sent to the Federal Reserve via the IRS. The IRS acts as the FEDS minions, taunting and bullying individuals and companies alike into paying the income tax. The Federal reserve, being a privatly owned institution, according to section five of the federal reserve act, and independendent from government, according to Alan Greenspan and others, collects this money and pays off its owners who have loaned the government a nice debt, its board of governenors and others that work so hard to keep what it does a secret (congressmen, presidents, etc) and then it goes to the foreigners who have some shares in us, and pays them off.

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